Category: Work Group
Dominique Surel’s Remote Viewing Group
Want to have fun? CRV, RV, clairaudience/voyance, precognition, psychokinesis, etc….. and last but not least, as a bonus: spoon bending! I am offering to lead a Remote Viewing/CRV work group to explore the nonlocal. My focus is to work on safe targets and generate high-level quality work. Since not many…
Dominique Surel’s Remote Viewing Group
Want to have fun? CRV, RV, clairaudience/voyance, precognition, psychokinesis, etc….. and last but not least, as a bonus: spoon bending! I am offering to lead a Remote Viewing/CRV work group to explore the nonlocal. My focus is to work on safe targets and generate high-level quality work. Since not many…