Dominique Surel’s Remote Viewing Group

Want to have fun? CRV, RV, clairaudience/voyance, precognition, psychokinesis, etc….. and last but not least, as a bonus: spoon bending!

I am offering to lead a Remote Viewing/CRV work group to explore the nonlocal. My focus is to work on safe targets and generate high-level quality work. Since not many individuals are fluent in the CRV protocol, I would include any other interested participants who practice clairvoyance/audience, precognition, or any other method or skill to access accurate nonlocal information. The overall emphasis will be to first develop verifiable levels of accuracy in order to later include working on targets that might not be verifiable.

One example of an experiment might be for participants to explore a target using their own method of remote viewing or psychic skills. The results could be analyzed to see if each different methodology might contribute accurate information from a different perspective. Looking at the issues of accuracy would be a valuable facet to investigate. The purpose might be twofold: 1/practice your skill with the view of enhancing accuracy 2/ maybe write a paper analyzing the different results and demonstrating the possible strengths and weaknesses of each method in terms of accuracy.

Please contact Dominique directly at if you are interested in joining this group.

Dominique Surel
Bio:  Dominique is an international invited speaker on the topics of Controlled Remote Viewing, Radiesthesia, and Human Potential. She was trained to the Advanced level in CRV by Lyn Buchanan over twenty years ago. She learned radiesthesia in the 1980s while living in Paris where an elderly radiesthesia practitioner, physician, and alchemist passed-on his knowledge to her. Dominique holds an MBA and a Doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership. Her Dissertation topic was the role of intuition in the decision-making process. She is a now a retired Professor.

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