Sacred Geometry and Consciousness – Gregory Hoag – February 24, 2023

Yes, it’s happening! We are getting Boulder SSE going again!  And with a 3-year hiatus, things have changed in the world, and we are rolling with it, so this is how our first event will be held.

February 24, 2023 at Noon
Avalon Ballroom – 6185 Arapahoe Rd.
Boulder, Colorado 80303

We have an outstanding first speaker – Gregory Hoag! His talk will be on “Sacred Geometry and Consciousness.” He has decades of experiences and lots of new information that he is eager to share.

Gregory Hoag specializes in teaching and supporting individuals who are interested in achieving extraordinary goals through the use of Sacred Geometry. Gregory Hoag, scientist, best-selling author and artist has researched Sacred Geometry and consciousness for over 40 years. Following a major spiritual awakening (Kundalini) in 1982, he started creating energetic tools through Metaforms, that provide transformative experiences to foster spiritual evolution and the expansion of Source.

Gregory is recognized as one of the leading experts on Sacred Geometric Technologies for improving health, raising consciousness, reducing stress, manifesting intent and clearing emotional and electromagnetic interference. Gregory and his wife, Gail, and his two daughters live in Lyons, Colorado.

We need to have a more accurate number count of attendees, so we will presell tickets on-line. The ticket price is $20 online (see the link below) and $25 at the door.

We have the room for three hours, so we won’t have to rush you out if you want to visit afterwards. We are really excited about seeing you February 24th! Let’s make this a regular opportunity to gather the community together…

Here is the link to register for the event:

Looking forward to gathering with you!

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