Hubble and the James Webb Space Telescope: A Tale of Two Observatories in Space – John Mace Grunsfeld, Phd – April 28, 2023

John Mace Grunsfeld, PhD Astronaut/Astrophysicist/Explorer  “Hubble Repairman” and NPR  “Car-Talk” caller from space! April 28, 2023 at Noon (doors open at 11:30 am) Avalon Ballroom – 6185 Arapahoe Rd. Boulder, Colorado 80303 Abstract: The Hubble Space Telescope has been called the most productive scientific instrument in human history. Launched in…

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SAVING OUR PLANET FROM RUNAWAY WARMING – Bill Karsell – October 11, 2019

Bill Karsell

  To contact Bill Karsell: 720-271-2373 or ABSTRACT The September 23rd Global Climate Action Summit is now behind us and leaders are seeking to adopt further mitigation strategies. Climate accords are focused on reducing emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), a principal greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere. The latest climate prediction models underlying the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)…

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Plant Music Therapy™ and its Effects on the Body, Mind and Spirit – July 26, 2019 – Teresa Helgeson, C.Ht., RMT

Teresa Helgeson

Presentation starts at 10:15 AM  & Buffet begins at 12 NOON at Nissi’s Entertainment Venue  (details below) July 26, 2019 Presentation starts at 10:15 AM  & Buffet begins at 12 NOON at Nissi’s Entertainment Venue  (details below) PURPOSE: The purpose of this single case study was to pilot the protocol for exploring the impact plant music therapy™ has…

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Quantum Geometry & Entanglement – Adam Apollo – March 29, 2019

Abstract: Spacetime curvature is defined as gravitation; we explore this concept at the quantum level, and the functional geometric architecture of a gravitational field at the Planck scale. In this approach, we treat spacetime as a discrete quantum lattice which is in a highly energetic state of tensegrity between fundamental…

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